Monday, July 27, 2009

Missing My Best Friend

Yesterday was the day 3 years ago that my best friend, my Mom lost her battle with melanoma. I know that she is much better off than the suffering she endured while here with us but it still is hard to be without her. I sometimes feel like such a little girl because I miss her so and want her here with me. This is the 1st year since her passing that I was able to visit the cemetary on the actual day. It was bittersweet as my brother, Lil Sis, "Dad", Auntie, 2 sons and cousin's little boy were all with me. We just gathered around and talked, took a few pics at the grave and talked some more. I miss her so!!

She used to sing to me "You Are My Sunshine" when I was a little girl and always told me that I was her sunshine. Now for that I absolutely love sunflowers and find them so peaceful when I look at them. Due to time yesterday I was not able to get some before going to the cemetary but will be taking her some sunflowers in the next few days.

I still struggle trying to find a way to feel peaceful about her not being here. As stated before, I know that she is in a much better place. I am still searching for something I can do or involve myself in for her honor to feel a sense of peace about all this. I have been told that with time it gets better and am still waiting for that time to pass. 3 years and it isn't much better...

Here are pics of us at the cemetary. Hopefully later or tomorrow I can have a more cheerful post to write about but for today I am still thinking of my dear Mom. She was truly my best friend, noone else knows me like she did. Noone else understands my thoughts and feelings completely like she did.

All of us with "Dad"

All of us with Auntie

All of us gathered around chatting

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trying Again

If you have followed me from my other blog...THANK YOU!! I was having several issues with my posts disappearing for months now and it was becoming very frustrating!! It was very disappointing to work so hard on my posts and then they just disappear. I have tried all I know to do to stop it but it was still I decided to just start another one all together. I really didn't want to find a different blog site as I love this one and it is very user friendly! I am not the best at this computer stuff but am always learning. So here I am trying again....

Thank you for continuing to read!!