I have yet to get better about posting more than one time a week...it is a work in progress!
This last week was super duper busy for us! I am on the PTO at Tanner's school and serve on the board as the Volunteer Coordinator. My first event started this last week, the Book Fair. This is the school's 1st year so getting things organized is kind of crazy! It has not been the easiest task to get volunteers for certain events but it is also a work in progress. I have had to be at the book fair alot due to not having enough help. It has been kind of stressful as it is my 1st event that I am in charge of but I would say so far things are going ok! This one is tough since it is during the school day, I am hoping other events won't be so bad! (Hoping....) So this last week went like this:
Monday- Tanner had school, I worked on PTO stuff during the day, Tanner had football practice that evening
Tuesday- Tanner had school, I had a PTO meeting that evening
Wednesday- Tanner had school, I had to be at the school all day setting up the book fair, Tanner's 1st game that evening
Thursday- at school by 7:30am to make sure 1st day of book fair got started ok, watched my friend's 2 kids that day, had to be at the school by 2:00 to help with book fair after school til 4:00 when it closed, had to work the Family Night for the book fair that evening
Friday- at school by 7:30am to open book fair, worked all day cause was short a person due to her child's illness, went over to our old neighbor's house for dinner then to watch a high school football game
See it was a crazy week! Lots of time at the school! The book fair will continue on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday it will be open during parent teacher conferences so I get to be there that day. Then it will be over!! Thurs and Fri is fall break and I will be glad by then!!
So yeah I am not sure what to think about if I want to do this same position next year. I do have to remind myself that this is the 1st year and all the kinks and crazies have to be worked out.
The boys are doing good though...Tanner is really excited about his football! He had some pretty awesome plays as quarterback. He also got to catch a pass and run for over 50 yards! He is pretty good! I can't wait for Logan to be able to play a sport, should be the spring I hope! He needs something to do!
I am still not fond of this cooler weather but have to just bear it cause no matter what it is coming! I will be so glad when it is March/April! How has your week been going??